Low Profile Ult ra ATA-1 3 3 RAID PCI Host
1 . In t rodu ct ion
Th is Low Profile Ultra ATA-133 RAID PCI Host Adapter is a PCI to du al Ultra
ATA-1 3 3 h os t con t r oller b oa r d wh ich ca n s u p p or t Low p r ofile PCI a n d
regu la r s ize PCI both . It provides a 32bit, 33/ 66 MHz PCI in terfa ce on th e
h ost side an d du al, fu lly com plian t Ultra ATA-133 ports on th e device side to
access ATA Hard disk drive.
Th e board can be u sed to u pgrade you r desktop com pu ter to h ave du al Ultra
ATA-133 Ch a n n els a n d s u pport RAID 0, RAID 1 a n d RAID 0+1 fea tu res . It
com es com p let ely wit h d r iver s for Win d ows 9 8 , Win d ows Millen n iu m ,
Win dows NT 4.0, Win dows 2000 an d XP.
RAID, Redu n da n t Arra y of In depen den t Dis ks , grea tly en h a n ces two m a in
areas of data storage: perform an ce an d data in tegrity. By u sin g RAID 0, also
kn own a s Stripin g, perform a n ce of s u s ta in ed da ta tra n s fer ra tes is grea tly
en h a n ced b y s im u lta n eou s ly writin g d a ta to 2 , 3 or 4 d rives . Th e s econ d
ben efit of RAID is data redu n dan cy. RAID 1, Mirrorin g, writes iden tical data
on two drives or sets of drives, th u s protectin g th e data from a disk failu re. If,
for any reason, one drive were to fail, you r data is secu re and available from th e
m irrored secon d drive.
1 .1 . Feat u res
1 .1 .1 . PCI In t erface
Com plian t with PCI Specification , revision 2.2.
In tegrated PCI DMA en gin es.
32 bit, 33/ 66MHz fu lly com plian t PCI h ost in terface.
1 .1 .2 . High Speed Ult ra ATA-1 3 3 In t erface
Su pports two in depen den t ATA ch an n els.
Su pports ATA 133.
Su pports fu ll speed bu rst tran sfers on th e ATA bu s.
- 1 -
fa u lt tolera n ce. With m odern SATA bu s m a s terin g tech n ology, m u ltiple I/ O
opera tion s ca n be don e in pa ra llel, en h a n cin g perform a n ce. Stripin g a rra ys
u se m u ltiple disks to form a larger virtu al disk.
Disk Mirrorin g (RAID 1 )
Disk m irrorin g creates an iden tical twin for a selected disk by h avin g th e data
sim u ltan eou sly written to two disks. Th is redu n dan cy provides in stan tan eou s
protection from a sin gle disk failu re. If a read failu re occu rs on on e drive, th e
system reads th e data from th e oth er drive.
Mirrored-St ripin g (RAID 0 +1 also k n own as RAID 1 0 )
A Mirrored-Stripin g Set does ju st wh at it says, com bin in g both Stripin g an d
Mirrorin g tech n ologies to provide both th e perform an ce en h an cem en ts th at
com e from Stripin g a n d th e da ta a va ila bility a n d in tegrity th a t com es from
Mirrorin g. Wh en data is written to a Mirrored-Striped Set, in stead of creatin g
ju st on e virtu al disk as Stripin g wou ld do, a secon d, Mirrored virtu al disk is
created as well.
3 . BIOS In st allat ion ( RAID Set t in g )
Creatin g an d deletin g RAID sets is a fu n ction fou n d in th e BIOS. Du rin g boot
u p, th e RAID s ettin g m es s a ge will a ppea r a n d pa u s e for a few m om en ts to
allow th e u ser to ch oose wh at to do. Th is board will act as n orm al NON-RAID
card when BIOS not configu red for RAID. J u st proceed to Software In stallation
section directly. If you u se tradition al parallel ATA HDD, m ake su re you r h ard
drives be set u p as m aster m ode before th e RAID settin g.
3 .1 . Creat in g St riped Set s (RAID 0 )
1. As th e BIOS boots, press F3 to en ter th e raid bios u tility.
2. Select Creat e RAID set . Press F2 .
3. Select Creat e St rip ed Set press F1 .
4. Select Au t o con fig. Press A.
5. Press 2 an d th en press Y to ESC exit th e setu p.
6. Con tin u e with con ven tion al Fdisk an d Form at steps as if you are in stallin g
a con ven tion al h ard drive.
7. You r RAID configu ration is complete. Please proceed to software in stallation
section .
3 .2 . Creat in g Mirrored Set s (RAID 1 )
- 3 -
1. As th e BIOS boots, press F3 to en ter th e raid bios u tility.
2. Select Creat e RAID set . Press F2 .
3. Select Creat e Mirrored set press F2 .
4. Press Y Select au tom atic Setu p.
5. Press Y an d th en press ESC to exit th e setu p.
6. Con tin u e with con ven tion al Fdisk an d Form at steps as if you are in stallin g
a con ven tion al h ard drive.
7.You r RAID con figu ration is com plete. Please proceed to software in stallation
section .
3 .3 . Creat in g a Mirrored-St riped Set
1. As th e BIOS boots, press F3 to en ter th e raid bios u tility.
2. Select Creat e RAID set . Press F2 .
3. Select Mirrored-St rip ed set th en press F3 .
4. Select Au t o con fig. Press A.
5. Press Y an d th en press ESC to exit th e setu p.
6. Con tin u e with con ven tion al Fdisk an d Form at steps as if you are in stallin g
a con ven tion al h ard drive.
7.You r RAID con figu ration is com plete. Please proceed to software in stallation
section .
3 .4 . Delet in g RAID Set s
1. As th e BIOS boots, Press F3 to en ter th e raid bios u tility.
2. Select Delet e RAID set . Press F1 .
3. Select 1 click Y to rem ove th e RAID set. If th e RAID set bein g deleted is a
Striped s et, th en a ll of th e da ta will be los t. If th e s et bein g deleted is a
Mirrored set, th en th e data will rem ain in tact an d accessible on both drives.
3 .5 . Creat in g a Spare Drive
1. As th e BIOS boots, Press F3 to en ter th e raid bios u tility.
2. Select Delet e RAID set . Press F1 .
3. An swer 1 Select Y to rem ove th e RAID set. If th e RAID set bein g deleted is
a Striped s et, th en a ll of th e da ta will be los t. If th e s et bein g deleted is
a Mirrored s et, th en th e da ta will rem a in in ta ct a n d a cces s ible on both
3 .6 . Delet in g a Spare Drive
To delete a spare drive, u se th e sam e procedu re as deletin g a RAID set.
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3 .7 . Resolvin g Con flict
Wh en a RAID set is created, th e m etadata written to th e disk in clu des drive
con n ection in form ation (Prim ary an d Secon dary). If, after a disk failu re, th e
replacement disk was previou sly part of a RAID set (or u sed in another system),
it m a y h a ve con flict in g m et a d a t a , s p ecifica lly in r efer en ce t o t h e d r ive
con n ection in form a tion . If s o, th is will p roh ib it th e RAID s et from b ein g
eith er created or rebu ilt, in order for th e RAID set to fu n ction properly, th is
old m eta da ta m u s t be firs t overwritten with th e n ew m eta da ta . To res olve
th is , s elect R e s o lve Co n flic t s , a n d th e correct m eta d a ta , in clu d in g th e
correct drive con n ection in form ation , will be written to th e replacem en t disk.
4 . In st allin g Drivers An d Soft ware
Win dows 2 0 0 0 Operat in g Syst em
After th e boa rd h a s been properly in s ta lled, wh en th e com pu ter is powered
on , th e OS will au tom atically search for n ew devices. Wh en th e n ew board is
fou n d, a win dow will appear askin g Fou n d New Hardware Wizard.
Click Next , an d Select search for a su itable driver for m y device [recom m en d]
click n ext , select specify a location click n ext , In sert th e floppy disk in to th e
floppy disk drive an d click Browse.
Mos t floppy dis k drives a re con figu red a s [A:]. Ch oos e th e [A:] drive in you r
browser an d th e Pn P680r.sys file for th e SiI 0680 or Pn P649r.sys file for th e
SiI 0649 sh ou ld appear. Select th e file an d click Op en :
Verify that the directly listed in this window is A: and click OK then click n ext .
Now, a win dow verifyin g th at th e n ew Driver for th e board h as been properly
in stalled. Click Fin ish .
To in stall Medley, u se Win dows In stallSh ield by perform in g th e followin g:
1. After com pu ter restarts, in sert floppy disk in floppy disk drive.
2. Dou ble-click on My Com pu ter.
3. Dou ble-click on 3 1/ 2 Floppy [A:].
4. Dou ble-click on In stall SiICon fig.exe.
5. Follow on-screen instru ctions to complete installation. Note: Do NOT in stall
in th e Start Up folder. Ch oose th e Defau lt folder (n orm ally Accessories or
Adm in istrative Tools or som eth in g sim ilar).
Win dows NT Operat in g Syst em
Win dows NT does n ot h ave an au tom atic “Fin d Device” settin g an d so after
- 5 -
th e operatin g system boots, click on th e Start bu tton located at th e bottom
left h a n d corn er of th e Des ktop, s elect Se t t in gs a n d th en Con t rol Pa n e l.
Fin d an d click on th e SCSI Adap t ers. Click Drivers an d Add.
Th e n ext win dow is askin g for th e location of th e driver to be in stalled. Sin ce
th e driver is on th e provided floppy disk, in sert th e floppy in th e floppy disk
drive an d click Have Disk .
Th e n ext win dow is a s kin g for th e loca tion of th e driver. Mos t floppy dis k
drives are con figu red as [A:]. To verify, click on Browse.
Th e n ext win dow verifies th at th e appropriate file is located on [A:]. Select th e
file sil680r an d click Op en . [A:] sh ou ld appear in th e win dow. Click OK.
Th e n ext win dow allows you to select wh ich driver to in stall. On ly on e driver
s h ou ld a p p ea r in th is win d ow. Select Silio n Im a ge Sil 0 6 8 0 Ult r a -1 3 3
Me d le y ATA Ra id Con t rolle r a n d click on OK. It is a lwa ys good to Res ta rt
th e com pu ter after an in stallation .
To in s ta ll th e Medley GUI, u s e Win dows In s ta llSh ield by perform in g th e
1. After com pu ter restarts, in sert floppy disk in floppy disk drive.
2. Dou ble-click on My Com pu ter.
3. Dou ble-click on 3 1/ 2 Floppy [A:].
4. Dou ble-click on In stallSiICon fig.exe.
5. Follow on -s creen in s tru ction s to com plete in s ta lla tion . Note: Do NOT
in stall Medley in th e Start Up folder. Ch oose th e Defau lt folder (n orm ally
Accessories or Adm in istrative Tools or som eth in g sim ilar).
Win dows 9 8 / Me Operat in g Syst em
With th e board n ewly in stalled, as Win dows 98/ Me boots, th e New Device
will be detected a n d th e Add New Ha rdwa re Wiza rd win dow will a ppea r.
Follow th e in stru ction s in each win dow, u sin g th e driver in stallation files
(Pn P680r.m pd or Pn P649r.m pd) on th e provided floppy disk as n ecessary.
1. Select sp ecify t h e locat ion of t h e driver [Advan ced] click n ext .
2. Select search for t h e best driver for you r device [Recom m en d]. Specify
a location . In sert floppy disk in to th e floppy disk drive an d click Browse.
3. Ch oose A: click ok an d th en n ext .
4. Click n ext an d th en Fin ish .
To in s ta ll th e Medley GUI, u s e Win dows In s ta llSh ield by perform in g th e
- 6 -
1. After com pu ter restarts, in sert floppy disk in floppy disk drive.
2. Dou ble-click on My Com pu ter.
3. Dou ble-click on 3 1/ 2 Floppy [A:].
4. Dou ble-click on In stallSiICon fig.exe.
5. Follow on -screen in stru ction s to com plete in stallation . Note: Do NOT in stall
in th e Sta rt Up folder. Ch oos e th e Defa u lt folder (n orm a lly Acces s ories or
Adm in istrative Tools or som eth in g sim ilar).
Win dows XP Operat in g Syst em
After th e boa rd h a s been properly in s ta lled, wh en th e com pu ter is powered
on , th e OS will au tom atically search for n ew devices. Wh en th e n ew board is
fou n d, a win dow will appear askin g Fou n d New Hardware Wizard.
Select in stall from a list or specific location [Advan ced], click Next , an d select
s ea rch for a s u ita b le d river for m y d evice [recom m en d ] click n e x t , s elect
specify a location click n ext , in sert th e floppy disk in to th e floppy disk drive
an d click Browse.
Mos t floppy dis k drives a re con figu red a s [A:]. Ch oos e th e [A:] drive in you r
browser an d th e Pn P680r.sys file for th e SiI 0680 or Pn P649r.sys file for th e
SiI 0649 sh ou ld appear. Select th e file an d click Op en :
Verify that the directly listed in this window is A: and click OK then click n ext .
Now, a win dow verifyin g th at th e n ew Driver for th e board h as been properly
in stalled. Click Fin ish .
To in stall Medley, u se Win dows In stallSh ield by perform in g th e followin g:
1. After com pu ter restarts, in sert floppy disk in floppy disk drive.
2. Dou ble-click on My Com pu ter.
3. Dou ble-click on 3 1/ 2 Floppy [A:].
4. Dou ble-click on In stall SiICon fig.exe.
5. Follow on -s creen in s tru ction s to com plete in s ta lla tion . Note: Do NOT
install in the Start Up folder. Choose the Defau lt folder (normally Accessories
or Adm in istrative Tools or som eth in g sim ilar).
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This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired
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