ZyAIR G-4100
802.11g Wireless Hotspot Gateway
Quick Start Guide
Version 1.00
ZyAIR G-4100
Do NOT open the device or unit. Opening or removing covers can expose you to dangerous
high voltage points or other risks. ONLY qualified service personnel can service the
device. Please contact your vendor for further information.
Use ONLY the dedicated power supply for your device. Connect the power cord or power
adaptor to the right supply voltage, that is, 110V AC for North America or 230V AC for
Do NOT use the device if the power supply is damaged as it might cause electrocution.
If the power supply is damaged, remove it from the power outlet.
Do NOT attempt to repair the power supply. Contact your local vendor to order a new
power supply.
Place connecting cables carefully so that that no one will step on them or stumble over
them. Do NOT allow anything to rest on the power cord and do NOT locate the product
where anyone can walk on the power cord.
If you wall mount your device, make sure that no electrical, gas or water pipes will be
Do NOT install nor use your device during a thunderstorm. There may be a remote risk of
electric shock from lightning.
Do NOT expose your device to dampness, dust or corrosive liquids.
Do NOT use this product near water, for example, in a wet basement or near a swimming
Make sure to connect the cables to the correct ports.
Do NOT obstruct the device ventilation slots, as insufficient airflow may harm your device.
Do NOT store things on the device.
Connect ONLY suitable accessories to the device.
ZyAIR G-4100
1.2 Side Panel Connections
Figure 1 ZyAIR Side Panel Connections
ZyAIR G-4100
Table 1 Side Panel Connections
LAN 1-4
Use the printer cable to connect an “exclusive printer” to this port.
These ports are auto-crossover, (”auto MDI/MDI-X”) which means you can use either a
straight-through or crossover Ethernet cable to connect the ZyAIR to a computer or a hub.
Connect your broadband modem to this port with the Ethernet cable that came with your
You only need to use this button if you’ve forgotten the ZyAIR’s password. It returns the
ZyAIR to the factory defaults (password is 1234, LAN IP address
After you’ve made the above connections, connect the ZyAIR’s included power adaptor to
the ZyAIR’s power socket. Use only the included power adaptor. The PWR LED turns on.
The LAN and WAN LEDs flash and then turn on if they have proper connections. The
ZyAIR LED turns on for 20 seconds and then turns off. The SYS LED turns on. The ZyAIR
LED turns back on and blinks if the wireless connection is active.
1.3 The Front Panel LEDs
Figure 2 ZyAIR Front Panel
ZyAIR G-4100
Table 2 Front Panel LEDs
On (Blue)
The ZyAIR is ready, but is not sending/receiving data through the wireless
Blinking (Blue)
On (Green)
Blinking (Green)
The ZyAIR is sending/receiving data through the wireless LAN.
The port is connected to a 10/100Mbps Ethernet device.
The port is receiving or sending data.
LAN (1-4)
The port is not connected to a 10/100Mbps Ethernet device.
The WAN port has a connection to your cable or DSL modem.
The WAN port is sending or receiving packets.
The WAN link is not ready, or has failed.
On (Green)
Blinking (Green)
On (Green)
The ZyAIR is ready and running.
The ZyAIR is not ready or has failed.
On (Green)
The ZyAIR is receiving power.
The ZyAIR is not receiving power.
1.4 Factory Defaults
Table 3 Factory Defaults
“admin” (case sensitive)
WAN IP Address
LAN IP Address
DHCP Client (dynamic WAN IP)
2 Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address
Skip this section if your computer is already set up to accept a dynamic IP
address. This is the default for most new computers.
The ZyAIR is already set up to assign your computer an IP address. Use this section to set up your
computer to receive an IP address or assign it a static IP address in the to
ZyAIR G-4100
range with a subnet mask of This is necessary to ensure that your computer can
communicate with your ZyAIR.
Your computer must have an Ethernet card and TCP/IP installed. TCP/IP should already be installed
on computers using Windows NT/2000/XP, Macintosh OS 7 and later operating systems.
2.1 Windows 2000/NT/XP
In Windows XP, click start, Control Panel. In Windows 2000/NT, click Start, Settings, Control Panel.
In the Control Panel, double-click Network Connections (Network and Dial-up Connections in
Windows 2000/NT).
Right-click Local Area Connection and then click Properties.
Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (under the General tab in Win XP) and click Properties.
The Internet Protocol TCP/IP Properties screen
opens (the General tab in Windows XP).
- To have your computer assigned a dynamic IP
address, click Obtain an IP address automatically.
If you know your DNS sever IP address(es), type them
in the Preferred DNS server and/or Alternate DNS
server fields.
-To configure a static IP address, click Use the
following IP Address and fill in the IP address
(choose one from to,
Subnet mask (, and Default gateway
( fields.
Then enter your DNS server IP address(es) in the
Preferred DNS server and/or Alternate DNS server
If you have more than two DNS servers, click
Advanced, the DNS tab and then configure them using
ZyAIR G-4100
Click Advanced. Remove any previously installed
gateways in the IP Settings tab and click OK to go back
to the Internet Protocol TCP/IP Properties screen.
Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Properties window.
Click Close (OK in Windows 2000/NT) to close the
Local Area Connection Properties window.
Close the Network Connections window (Network
and Dial-up Connections in Windows 2000/NT).
2.2 Checking/Updating Your Computer’s IP Address
In the computer, click Start, (All) Programs, Accessories and then Command Prompt.
In the Command Prompt window, type "ipconfig" and then press ENTER to verify that your computer’s IP
address is in the correct range ( to with subnet mask This is
necessary in order to communicate with the ZyAIR.
Refer to your User’s Guide for detailed IP address configuration for other Windows and Macintosh
computer operating systems.
2.3 Testing the Connection to the ZyAIR
1. Click Start, (All) Programs, Accessories and then Command Prompt.
2. In the Command Prompt window, type "ping” followed by a space and the IP address of the ZyAIR
( is the default).
ZyAIR G-4100
3. Press ENTER and the following screen displays.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=254
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=254
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=254
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=254
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 10ms, Average = 2ms
Your computer can now communicate with the ZyAIR using a LAN port.
3 Configuring Your ZyAIR
This guide shows you how to use the web configurator for initial
configuration. See your User’s Guide for background information on all
other ZyAIR features.
3.1 Accessing Your ZyAIR Via Web Configurator
1. Your web browser must have JavaScript support enabled. Launch your web browser. Enter
“” as the web site address.
Web site address.
Figure 3 Entering ZyAIR LAN IP Address in Internet Explorer
2. A login screen displays. Enter the user name (“admin” is the default), password (“1234” is the
default) and click Getting Started. The user name is case sensitive, so enter “admin” exactly as
shown. If you make an incorrect entry, refresh your browser and try again. Only one
administrator can log in at one time. The ZyAIR logs you out after five minutes of no
management using the web configurator, so you then have to log in again.
ZyAIR G-4100
Figure 4 Web Configurator: Login Screen
3.2 Internet Connection Wizard
The Wizard Setup screens appear by default after login only the first time you access the ZyAIR and
run the wizard. After that, the SYSTEM QUICK VIEW screen appears after login.
1. The first Wizard screen displays after your initial login. This first screen varies depending on the
type of Internet connection you use.
Select DHCP Client if your ISP did not assign
you a fixed IP address. Your ISP assigns the
ZyAIR’s WAN port a dynamic IP address. This is
the default selection.
Click Next to continue to Figure 9.
Figure 5 Internet Connection: DHCP Client
ZyAIR G-4100
Select Static IP Setting If the ISP assigned a
fixed IP address.
Enter the WAN IP address, subnet mask,
gateway IP address and DNS server address(s)
that your ISP assigned you.
Click Next to continue to Figure 9.
Figure 6 Internet Connection: Static IP
Select PPPoE If the ISP uses PPPoE for your
account (PPPoE simulates a dial-up connection).
Enter the user name and password exactly as
your ISP assigned them.
A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the
largest size packet or frame, specified in octets
(eight-bit bytes) that can be sent in a packet- or
frame-based network. The Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) uses the MTU to determine the
maximum size of each packet in a transmission.
Too large an MTU size may mean
retransmissions if the packet encounters a router
that can't handle that large a packet. Too small
an MTU size means relatively more header
overhead and more acknowledgements that
have to be sent and handled.
The maximum segment size (MSS) is the largest
amount of data, specified in bytes, that a
computer or communications device can handle
in a single, unfragmented piece.
Figure 7 Internet Connection: PPPoE
For optimum communications, the number of bytes in the data segment and the header must add up to less than
the number of bytes in the maximum transmission unit (MTU).
Enter the name of your PPPoE server, in the Service Name field if provided; otherwise leave it blank.
Select Connect on Demand when you don't want an “always-on” connection and specify an inactivity time limit
(in minutes) in the Max Idle Time field.
ZyAIR G-4100
Select Keep Alive if you want an “always-on” connection. The Redial Period is how long the ZyAIR waits before
reconnecting in the event of a disconnect. Click Next to continue to Figure 9.
Select PPTP if your service provider uses a DSL
terminator with PPTP login. The ZyAIR must
have a static IP address (My IP Address) in this
case. Your ISP may also provide a subnet mask
(My Subnet Mask) and a gateway IP address
(Gateway IP address).
Enter the DSL terminator IP address (PPTP
Server IP Address) and the username and
associated password exactly as your ISP
assigned them.
See the description of the PPPoE encapsulation
screen for information on PPP MTU, PPP MSS,
Connect On Demand and Keep alive.
If your ISP has provided a connection ID name,
enter it in the Connection ID/Name field.
Click Next to continue to Figure 9.
Figure 8 Internet Connection: PPTP
2. Use the second wizard screen to set up the wireless LAN.
ZyAIR G-4100
ESSID is a unique name to identify the ZyAIR
in the wireless LAN. Enter a descriptive name.
Select a channel (range of radio frequencies
used by IEEE 802.11g wireless devices) from
the drop-down list box.
Select Disable under Security to allow
wireless devices to communicate with the
ZyAIR without any data encryption.
Select WPA to have the ZyAIR perform user
authentication and data encryption. WPA’s
data encryption is stronger than WEP. Type a
pre-shared key from 8 to 63 case-sensitive
ASCII characters (including spaces and
symbols). Use the advanced wireless setup
screen if you want to use WPA with a RADIUS
server (see the User’s Guide for details).
Select the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
check box to have the ZyAIR encrypt data
frames before transmitting them over the
wireless network. Select 64 Bit or 128 Bit
WEP encryption and enter a key of the length
described in the field.
Figure 9 Wireless Settings
Click Next to continue.
3. Use the third wizard screen to configure a backup e-mail server in the event that the subscriber’s
e-mail server is unreachable from the ZyAIR.
Select No to not have the ZyAIR redirect e-
mail in the event that a subscriber’s e-mail
server is unreachable from the ZyAIR.
Select Yes to have the ZyAIR redirect
subscribers’ e-mail to the designated SMTP
server (must be reachable from the ZyAIR) in
the event that the subscriber’s own e-mail
server is unreachable from the ZyAIR. E-mail
recipients see messages as if they came from
the subscriber’s regular e-mail server not the
“backup” e-mail server.
When you select Yes, enter the e-mail
(SMTP) server’s domain name (up to 50
characters) or IP address.
Enter the port number (25, or between 2500
and 2599) for the mail server.
Figure 10 E-mail Service Setup
Click Next to continue.
ZyAIR G-4100
4. Use this screen to set whether or not the ZyAIR authenticates users before allowing them to
access the Internet.
Select Yes to require the ZyAIR to
authenticate subscribers before allowing
Internet access. This wizard configures
authentication and accounting settings for the
ZyAIR’s built-in local subscriber database.
Use the advanced RADIUS setup screen if
you want to configure the ZyAIR to use an
external RADIUS server for accounting and
authentication (see the User’s Guide for
Select No to allow Internet access for all
subscribers without authentication.
Figure 11 Authentication Service Setup
Click Next to continue.
5. Use the next wizard screen to set up a billing profile for the ZyAIR to use when generating
subscriber accounts.
ZyAIR G-4100
Select Time to Finish to allow subscribers a
one-time login. Once a subscriber logs in, the
system starts counting down the pre-defined
usage even if the subscriber stops the Internet
access before the time period finishes. If a
subscriber logs out before the allocated time
expires, the subscriber does not have to enter
the user name and password to access the
Internet again.
Select Accumulation to allow each
subscriber multiple re-login until the time
allocated is used up. If a subscriber logs out
and accesses the Internet again within the
time period specified in the Idle Timeout field,
the subscriber does not have to enter the user
name and password again to log in.
Enter the appropriate currency unit or
currency symbol. Define the number of
decimal places (up to 3) to be used for billing.
Enter a name (up to 12 characters) for each
billing profile.
Figure 12 Billing Setup
Set the duration of each billing period. When
this period expires, the subscriber’s access
will be stopped.
Select a time period (minutes, hours, or days) and enter the time unit in the field provided to define each
“profile’s” maximum Internet access time.
Click Next to continue.
6. Use the next wizard screens to set up the ZyAIR to use either an “exclusive printer” to generate
and print subscriber statements or generate them in the web configurator and print them from
there. An “exclusive printer” attaches directly to the ZyAIR. It can have the ZyAIR generate
subscriber statements and then print them.
ZyAIR G-4100
Select Yes to use an “exclusive printer” when
you generate and print subscriber statements.
Select No to generate subscriber statements
in the web configurator and print them from
there. The Web-based Account Generator
Panel Settings screen then appears next
(Figure 17).
Click Next to continue.
Figure 13 Printer Selection
Select a subscriber billing profile for each
button on the “exclusive printer”. The billing
profile defines the maximum Internet access
time and charge per time unit.
Set how many subscriber statement copies you
want to print (1 is the default).
Click Customize printout text to open the
Customize Printout Text screen (see Figure
15) to tailor subscriber statements.
Click I want to setup the web-based
accounting now if exclusive printer cannot
work to configure the Web-based Account
Generator Panel Settings screen (Figure 17).
Click Next to continue.
Figure 14 Accounting Setup
ZyAIR G-4100
Select Logo to print your logo on the account statement
when using a network-connected printer. See the User’s
Guide for how to upload a logo file.
Enter a title for the statement printout in the Title field.
Enter a subtitle for the printout.
Type Username and Password labels that appear in the
statement here.
Enter the label name for the field displaying the method
for billing.
Enter the label name for the field displaying the name for
the billing profile used.
Enter the label name for the field displaying the number of
time units purchased.
Type a label name for the maximum time allowed for a
subscriber to access the Internet via the ZyAIR in the
Usage Time field.
Select the Price check box and type a label for the field
displaying the total charge to the subscriber in the
Enter a label name for the field displaying the tax and
another label name for the field displaying the sum of the
price and the tax.
Type a label name for the field displaying the wireless
LAN’s Extended Service Set Identifier (ESSID). Type a
label name for the field displaying the WPA Encryption
Type a label name for the field displaying the WEP
Encryption key.
Select Additional Label(es) to display the specified label
name(s) for the field(s) displaying any other information.
Figure 15 Customize Printout Text
Select Print out Time to display the time an account is
printed. Select date and time formats from the drop-down
list boxes.
Select Expiration Time to display (in the statement) the ending subscription validity date and time and then select
a date and time format from the drop-down list boxes. Enter an explanation for the subscriber about the account’s
activation deadline. With accumulation billing, you can also explain the deadline for using the purchased time.
Select Ending and then type a message to appear at the end of the printout in the text box.
Click a preview link to display a sample of the statement layout (Figure 16). Click Apply to save the changes.
ZyAIR G-4100
This screen shows how your custom statement
printout will look. Close the window when you are
finished viewing it.
Figure 16 Printout Example
ZyAIR G-4100
Click Preview/Operate to open the Account
Generator Panel (see Figure 18).
A “button” represents a subscriber billing profile
defining maximum Internet access time and
charge per time unit. The buttons correspond to
the buttons displayed in the Account Generator
Panel. These button settings also apply to the
buttons on the “exclusive printer”.
Select how many copies of subscriber
statements you want to print (1 is the default).
Click Customize printout text to open the
Customize Printout Text screen (see Figure
15) to tailor subscriber statements.
Type a user name and password for the web-
based accounting system manager. Retype the
password for confirmation in the Confirm field.
Click Next to continue.
Figure 17 Web-based Accounting Setup
Click Preview/Operate in Figure 17 to display
this pop-up screen.
Each button is the subscriber “profile” you
defined. These button settings also apply to the
buttons on the “exclusive printer”.
Click the View Account List link in this screen
to display another pop-up screen showing
current account information (Figure 19). Close
this pop-up screen when finished.
Figure 18 Account Generator Panel
ZyAIR G-4100
Close this pop-up screen when
you have finished viewing it.
Figure 19 Account List
7. It is highly recommended you change the default user name and password.
Type your new user name and password in the
Username and Password fields; type the
password again in the Confirm field
Click Get from my Computer to have the ZyAIR
retrieve the date and time from your computer.
Select All if you want to allow management of the
ZyAIR from any IP address.
Select Selected and type the IP address of a
“trusted” computer to allow access to the ZyAIR
web configurator from that computer only. If the
computer you are currently using is not the
“trusted” computer, you will not be able to access
the ZyAIR web configurator again from your current
Figure 20 System Setting
Click Finish to save your settings to the ZyAIR.
Wait 30 seconds while the ZyAIR restarts.
3.3 Introducing the Web Configurator
ZyAIR G-4100
Click a navigation panel link to open that link’s list of links to individual screens. After you run the
wizard, you first see the SYSTEM QUICK VIEW screen after login.
Click a navigation panel link to
open a submenu of links to
individual screens.
QUICK VIEW is selected.
Figure 21 Quick View
3.4 Resetting the ZyAIR
To reset the ZyAIR back to the factory defaults, click SYSTEM TOOLS and CONFIGURATION
to display the screen as shown next.
ZyAIR G-4100
Select Keep subscriber profiles to set the system
configuration back to the factory defaults but retain
subscriber account information. All other custom
configuration is erased.
Under Reset the system back to factory defaults
Click Apply to reset the ZyAIR’s configuration back
to the factory defaults (Table 3).
Figure 22 Default Settings
3.5 Test Your Internet Connection
Refer to the User’s Guide for more detailed information on the complete range of ZyAIR features. If
you cannot access the Internet, open the web configurator again to confirm that the Internet settings
you configured in the Wizard Setup are correct.
4 Hardware Installation
4.1 Attaching Antennas
Follow the steps below to connect the supplied antennas.
1. Locate the antenna connectors on the sides of your ZyAIR.
2. Screw the antennas clockwise onto the antenna connectors. The antennas should be
perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other.
ZyAIR G-4100
Make sure the antennas are securely screwed onto the antenna
Figure 23 Attaching Antennas
4.2 Hardware Mounting Installation
In general, the best location for the access point is at the center of your intended wireless coverage
area. For better performance, mount the ZyAIR high up free of obstructions.
The following sections describe the different installation options.
Leave adequate space on the rear and sides of the ZyAIR during hardware
installation and do not block the ventilation holes.
Place your ZyAIR on a flat, level surface (on a desk or shelf) that is strong enough to support the
weight of the ZyAIR with connection cables.
1. Follow the steps to position your ZyAIR on a level surface. You can use the diagrams below for
instructions on how to do this.
ZyAIR G-4100
2. Connect the screw (included) to the support holder.
3. Connect the support holder to the ZyAIR but do not tighten the screw.
4. Twist the support holder to the side.
5. Run the connection wires through the gap in the support holder
Figure 24 Support Holder Connections
6. Twist the support holder back to the vertical position and tighten the screw that connects the
support holder to the ZyAIR.
Figure 25 Support Holder Connection Pass Through
Follow the steps to attach your ZyAIR to a wall.
ZyAIR G-4100
1. Locate a high position on the wall that is free of obstructions.
2. Use the included screws (or other screws with 6mm ~7.5mm (0.24" ~ 0.30") wide heads). Install
the two screws in the wall 80mm (3.15") apart. Do not screw the screws all the way into the
wall. Leave a small gap between the head of the screws and the wall.
Make sure the screws are securely fixed to the wall and strong enough to
hold the weight of the ZyAIR with the connection cables.
3. Adjust the cables.
4. Align the holes on the back of the ZyAIR with the screws on the wall. Hang the ZyAIR on the
Figure 26 Wall Mounting the ZyAIR
ZyAIR G-4100
5 Troubleshooting
Table 4 Troubleshooting
None of the LEDs
turn on when you
turn on the ZyAIR.
Make sure that you have the correct power adaptor connected to the ZyAIR and
plugged in to an appropriate power source. Check all cable connections.
If the LEDs still do not turn on, you may have a hardware problem. In this case, you
should contact your local vendor.
Cannot access the
Check the cable connection between the ZyAIR and your computer or hub. Refer to
ZyAIR from the LAN.
section 1.2 for details.
Ping the ZyAIR from a LAN computer. Make sure your computer’s Ethernet adapter
is installed and functioning properly.
Make sure that the IP address and the subnet mask of the ZyAIR and your
computer(s) are on the same subnet.
Cannot get a WAN
IP address from the
Check your Internet connection settings (refer to section 3.2).
You need a user name and password if you’re using PPPoE or PPTP encapsulation.
Make sure that you have entered the correct Service Name (PPPoE encapsulation
only), username and password (the username and password are case sensitive).
Refer to section 3.2 for more information.
Cannot access the
Check your Internet connection settings (refer to section 3.2).
Make sure you entered the correct user name and password.
For wireless clients, check that both the ZyAIR and wireless client(s) are using the
same ESSID, channel and WEP keys (if WEP encryption is activated).
Procedure to View Your Product’s Certifications
2. Select your product from the drop-down list box on the ZyXEL home page to go to that
product's page.
3. Select the certification you wish to view from this page.
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